Happy St Patrick’s Day
“WALTZING MATILDA” is nearing completion this month and then off to the paint shop in April. Electrical, Hydraulics, Air system still to be completed. Working out the bugs with our air / electric clutch system. We are also in negotiations will three other pulling groups to purchase and add a second sled for 2024. Looking at Class 2 SLEDS in New York, Florida and Ontario.
Welcome to our newest Members and Investors from Quebec and New York!
We have added a Testimonial Page on our site this month. Please forward your comments to 613MGTPA@gmail.com
NASOA – NORTH AMERICAN SLED OWNERS ASSOCIATION visited the farm on Friday, Feb 16th. “MATILDA” was inspected top to bottom, front to back and achieved CERTIFICATION as a Class 4 Sled for 2024. Thank you to Mr. Steve Zimmer and his wife for taking the time to drive up from home in Ohio to give us pulling approval.
As with last month’s blog the website has nearly doubled in VISITORS in the month of February, We are fast approaching 20,000 visits in only 3 months. THANK YOU for your support to our 613 FAMILY!!
A couple of event dates have opened up since February. Again, insurance is an issue as K&K Insurance in the USA has dropped Canada from its coverage for 2024.
Hope ya’ll have an awesome Spring and what is left of winter will be gone shortly.
Keep yours eyes on the schedule as some Fair Boards are still making last minute updates and changes to their planned activities.
Have an awesome St. Patrick’s Day Celebration! Looking forward to MOTORAMA this month and trips to Harrisburg, PA for the KEYSTONE NATIONALS.
The best is still yet to come!!!
Merci / Thank you.
Glen, Lynda and the 613 Crew.